living out gods word

26 Bible Verses About Living Out Gods Word

1.) Ephesians 5:10

Ephesians 5:10

Proving what is acceptable unto the Lord.

Living out God’s Word means actively putting into practice the teachings and principles found in the Bible In doing so, we not only gain a deeper understanding of what is pleasing to the Lord but also demonstrate our faith through our actions.

The Bible verse in Ephesians 5:10 reminds us of the importance of proving or testing what is acceptable to God.

By living out God’s Word, we align ourselves with His will, seeking to live in a way that is pleasing to Him.

It is through this active obedience that we genuinely demonstrate our commitment to follow and honor Him in all areas of our lives.

2.) Philippians 4:13

Philippians 4:13

I can do all things through Christ which strengtheneth me.

Living out God’s Word means putting it into action and allowing it to guide every aspect of our lives In Philippians 4:13, the apostle Paul reminds us of the empowering strength we receive through Christ.

When we live out God’s Word, we find the ability to do all things because Christ strengthens us.

This verse encourages us to rely on the power of Christ within us to accomplish anything that aligns with God’s will.

By living out God’s Word, we demonstrate our faith in action and experience the transformational impact of His truth in our daily lives.

3.) Romans 16:27

Romans 16:27

To God only wise, be glory through Jesus Christ for ever. Amen.

Living out God’s word means actively applying the teachings and principles of the Bible in our daily lives It involves aligning our thoughts, words, and actions with what God desires for us.

In the verse mentioned, we are reminded of God’s wisdom and glory, which we can reflect by living out His word.

By consistently practicing and embodying the teachings of Jesus Christ, we bring glory to God and acknowledge His sovereignty.

Our actions become a testament to our faith and demonstrate our commitment to following God’s guidance.

4.) Philemon 1:25

Philemon 1:25

The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with your spirit. Amen.

Living out God’s Word means to actively apply and embody the teachings and principles found in the Bible in our daily lives It involves more than simply knowing and reading the scriptures; it requires putting our faith into action.

In the Bible, we see how the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ empowers us to live out God’s Word.

His grace not only forgives our sins but also transforms us from the inside out, giving us the strength and ability to walk in obedience and love.

As we allow God’s grace to guide and shape our lives, we become a living testimony of His Word, reflecting His character and values to those around us.


5.) Galatians 6:18

Galatians 6:18

Brethren, the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with your spirit. Amen.

Living out God’s Word means embodying and practicing the teachings and principles found in the Bible It is not merely a passive acknowledgement of God’s commandments, but an active and intentional pursuit of aligning our thoughts, words, and actions with His will.

The Bible verse reminds us of the grace we have received through our Lord Jesus Christ.

As we strive to live out God’s Word, we rely on His grace to transform our spirits and empower us to walk in obedience.

The verse serves as a reminder that as we engage in living out God’s Word, it is His grace that sustains and enables us in this journey.

6.) 1 Chronicles 16:8

1 Chronicles 16:8

Give thanks unto the LORD, call upon his name, make known his deeds among the people.

Living out God’s word is not just about reading and memorizing scripture, but also about putting it into action In Psalm 105:1, the psalmist encourages us to give thanks to the LORD, call upon His name, and make known His deeds among the people.

This verse reminds us that our faith should be displayed through our words and actions.

When we live out God’s word, we actively express gratitude, seek His guidance, and share His amazing works with others.

It is through our obedient and faithful living that we become a witness to God’s goodness and love.

7.) Galatians 3:26

Galatians 3:26

For ye are all the children of God by faith in Christ Jesus.

Living out God’s Word means actively applying the teachings and principles found in the Bible to our everyday lives It is not just about knowing or reading the Word, but actively practicing and embodying it.

In the Bible verse, we are reminded that as children of God, our identity is rooted in our faith in Jesus Christ.

Therefore, living out God’s Word means aligning our thoughts, actions, and decisions with the truth of Scripture and living as children of God.

It is a conscious choice to walk in faith, following the example of Christ and reflecting His love, grace, and truth in all that we do.

8.) Jude 1:21

Jude 1:21

Keep yourselves in the love of God, looking for the mercy of our Lord Jesus Christ unto eternal life.

Living out God’s Word is about putting into practice the teachings and commands found in the Bible It is about aligning our thoughts, words, and actions with the will of God.

In the Bible verse, we are encouraged to keep ourselves in the love of God, which implies an ongoing commitment and active participation on our part.

By living out God’s Word, we demonstrate our love for Him and our desire to follow His ways.

This involves seeking His mercy and grace through Jesus Christ, which leads to eternal life.

It is through the daily application of God’s Word in our lives that we experience a transformed heart and a growing relationship with Him.

9.) Lamentations 3:26

Lamentations 3:26

It is good that a man should both hope and quietly wait for the salvation of the LORD.

Living out God’s Word means not just reading it and understanding it, but also applying it to our daily lives In the Bible verse, we see the importance of actively living out God’s Word through our actions and attitudes.

By hoping and quietly waiting for the Lord’s salvation, we demonstrate trust and obedience to His promises.

Living out God’s Word requires a humble and patient heart that seeks His guidance and leans on His strength.

May our lives be a reflection of God’s Word, as we actively put our faith into practice and wait with hopeful anticipation for His salvation in every aspect of our lives.

10.) Psalms 122:9

Psalms 122:9

Because of the house of the LORD our God I will seek thy good.

Living out God’s Word means actively applying the teachings and principles found in the Bible to our daily lives It is not simply about reading and understanding, but about putting God’s instructions into action.

In the verse mentioned, the psalmist expresses their commitment to seeking the good of others because of their devotion to the Lord.

This attitude of actively seeking the good aligns with the concept of living out God’s Word.

It shows that the psalmist’s actions are guided by their faith and desire to follow God’s commands, resulting in a life that reflects the love and righteousness of God.

11.) Ephesians 3:21

Ephesians 3:21

Unto him be glory in the church by Christ Jesus throughout all ages, world without end. Amen.

“Living out God’s Word” is about putting into action the teachings and commandments found in the Bible It is a commitment to live in a way that brings glory to God and reflects His character.

In the mentioned Bible verse, it emphasizes that the church, through Christ Jesus, should give glory to God for all eternity.

By obediently following God’s Word and allowing it to shape our thoughts, words, and actions, we can actively participate in fulfilling this purpose.

It is by living out God’s Word that we bring honor and praise to Him, both individually and collectively as the church, throughout all ages.

12.) Galatians 6:2

Galatians 6:2

Bear ye one another’s burdens, and so fulfil the law of Christ.

Living out God’s Word means following the principles and teachings found in the Bible and putting them into action in our daily lives In the verse, Galatians 6:2, we are encouraged to bear one another’s burdens, showing compassion and support for others.

By doing so, we are not only promoting unity and love within the Christian community but also fulfilling the law of Christ, which is to love one another as He has loved us.

This verse reminds us that living out God’s Word involves practical acts of kindness, empathy, and selflessness towards others, reflecting the character of Christ in our interactions with those around us.

13.) Philippians 4:21

Philippians 4:21

Salute every saint in Christ Jesus. The brethren which are with me greet you.

Living out God’s Word is about more than mere words; it is about embodying His teachings and reflecting His character in our daily lives In the Bible verse, we see the Apostle Paul extending greetings to fellow believers in Christ.

This simple act of salutation demonstrates the practical aspect of living out God’s Word.

By extending greetings to fellow believers, Paul exemplifies the importance of cultivating loving and united relationships within the Christian community.

It reminds us that we are called not only to study and proclaim God’s Word but also to actively live it out, showing kindness, encouragement, and support to our fellow brothers and sisters in Christ.

14.) Psalms 105:1

Psalms 105:1

O give thanks unto the LORD; call upon his name: make known his deeds among the people.

Living out God’s Word is more than just reading and reciting Scripture; it involves actively applying and demonstrating its teachings in our lives In the verse from Psalm 105:1, the psalmist calls upon people to give thanks to the Lord and make His deeds known among others.

This encourages us to not only acknowledge and praise God for His goodness but to also share His works with others.

By living out God’s Word, we become vessels of His love and mercy, showcasing His faithfulness to those around us.

It is through our actions and testimonies that we can truly express our gratitude towards God and inspire others to seek Him.

15.) 2 Peter 3:18

2 Peter 3:18

But grow in grace, and in the knowledge of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. To him be glory both now and for ever. Amen.

Living out God’s Word means actively applying and embodying the teachings and principles found in the Bible in our daily lives It involves not just hearing or reading the Word, but also putting it into practice.

The Bible teaches us to grow in God’s grace and to have a deep knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.

In this verse, we are reminded of the importance of continuously growing in our understanding of God’s love and in our relationship with Him.

By living out God’s Word, we give glory to Him and show our commitment to following His ways both now and for eternity.

16.) Romans 1:8

Romans 1:8

First, I thank my God through Jesus Christ for you all, that your faith is spoken of throughout the whole world.

The concept of “Living Out God’s Word” is beautifully reflected in the Bible verse Romans 1:8 Here, the apostle Paul expresses his gratitude to God for the believers in Rome, acknowledging that their faith is widely renowned and spoken of throughout the world.

In essence, their lives serve as a living testimony of their genuine commitment to God and their unwavering trust in Jesus Christ.

Their actions align with the teachings and principles of the Scriptures, demonstrating how they daily prioritize God’s Word in their thoughts, words, and deeds.

Their faith is not merely theoretical or limited to religious observances, but it permeates all aspects of their lives and has a real impact on those around them.

This verse encourages us to follow their example by genuinely living out God’s Word, allowing our faith to shine brightly in the world as a powerful testimony to the love, grace, and transformative power of Jesus Christ.

17.) 1 Peter 1:5

1 Peter 1:5

Who are kept by the power of God through faith unto salvation ready to be revealed in the last time.

Living out God’s Word means actively putting into practice the teachings and commands found in the Bible In this regard, the mentioned Bible verse assures believers that they are kept and protected by the power of God through their faith.

By living out God’s Word, we demonstrate our trust in His promises and align our lives with His will.

It is through this faithful obedience that we are prepared for the salvation that will be fully revealed in the last days.

So, let us strive to bear witness to our faith by living in accordance with the Word of God, knowing that He is guiding and guarding us every step of the way.

18.) 1 Peter 5:14

1 Peter 5:14

Greet ye one another with a kiss of charity. Peace be with you all that are in Christ Jesus. Amen.

Living out God’s Word means actively applying and embodying the teachings and principles found in the Bible In the Bible verse, we see an example of living out God’s Word through the command to greet one another with a kiss of charity.

This verse encourages believers to show love and affection towards fellow believers as a tangible expression of the love that God has shown us.

By following this instruction, we demonstrate our commitment to living out God’s Word in our daily interactions with others.

Additionally, the verse concludes with a blessing of peace upon all who are in Christ Jesus, reminding us of the importance of seeking peace and harmony in our relationships, another essential aspect of living out God’s Word.

19.) Romans 3:18

Romans 3:18

There is no fear of God before their eyes.

Living out God’s Word is crucial for every believer, as it reflects our reverence and fear of God In Romans 3:18, it is lamented that some people lack this fear of God, which is evident in their actions and attitudes.

To truly live out God’s Word, we need to have a deep respect for God and His commands.

It means aligning our lives with His teachings, allowing His Word to guide our thoughts, words, and deeds.

By doing so, we demonstrate our fear of God and show others the transformative power of His Word in our lives.

20.) Romans 5:11

Romans 5:11

And not only so, but we also joy in God through our Lord Jesus Christ, by whom we have now received the atonement.

Living out God’s word refers to a deliberate and intentional practice of aligning our actions and behavior with the teachings and principles found in the Bible In Romans 5:11, the apostle Paul speaks of the joy we experience in God through our Lord Jesus Christ.

This joy comes from receiving the atonement, which is the reconciliation and redemption we have through Jesus’ sacrifice.

When we truly understand and embrace this truth, it compels us to live out God’s word in our daily lives.

It motivates us to demonstrate love, forgiveness, compassion, and obedience to God’s commands.

Living out God’s word becomes a natural response to the transformative work of Christ in our hearts.

It is through living out God’s word that we find true joy and fulfillment in our relationship with Him.

21.) Psalms 6:9

Psalms 6:9

The LORD hath heard my supplication; the LORD will receive my prayer.

Living out God’s Word means putting into practice the teachings and principles found in the Bible In this particular verse, the psalmist declares that the Lord hears his prayers and will receive them.

This reminds us that when we live out God’s Word, not only do we offer prayers to Him, but we also trust that He listens and responds to our pleas.

By aligning our lives with God’s Word, we cultivate a deeper relationship with Him, experiencing the assurance that our prayers are heard and accepted by our loving Creator.

22.) 1 Corinthians 16:24

1 Corinthians 16:24

My love be with you all in Christ Jesus. Amen.

Living out God’s Word refers to actively applying the teachings and principles found in the Bible to our daily lives It means living in accordance with God’s commands, aligning our actions and decisions with His will.

In the Bible verse from Romans 16:24, the author concludes by expressing their love for all through Christ Jesus.

By living out God’s Word, we demonstrate our love for others and for God Himself.

This love encompasses both our actions and our attitudes, as we seek to honor and obey God’s Word in all aspects of our lives.

23.) Psalms 56:10

Psalms 56:10

In God will I praise his word: in the LORD will I praise his word.

Living out God’s Word means not only reading or hearing it, but actively applying it in our daily lives It involves allowing the teachings and principles of the Bible to shape our thoughts, words, and actions.

In Psalm 56:10, the psalmist declares, “In God will I praise his word: in the LORD will I praise his word.” This verse reflects the heart of someone who not only reads and acknowledges God’s Word but also praises and glorifies it.

To truly live out God’s Word, we must not only study it, but also honor and exalt it, recognizing its authority and allowing it to guide and transform our lives.

24.) Romans 1:17

Romans 1:17

For therein is the righteousness of God revealed from faith to faith: as it is written, The just shall live by faith.

Living out God’s Word means actively and wholeheartedly embracing and applying the teachings, principles, and commands found in the Bible In Romans 1:17, we learn that the righteousness of God is revealed through faith, and that the just, or righteous, shall live by faith.

This verse underlines the importance of not only believing in God, but also living in accordance with His Word.

Our faith in God’s promises and our obedience to His commands become the foundation upon which we build our lives and actions.

Living out God’s Word is a continuous journey that involves trusting in Him, seeking His guidance, and aligning our choices and actions with His truth.

It is through this active faith that we can experience the transformative power of God’s righteousness at work in our lives.

25.) 1 Thessalonians 1:4

1 Thessalonians 1:4

Knowing, brethren beloved, your election of God.

Living out God’s word is a reflection of the believers’ deep conviction of being chosen by God The Bible verse highlights the encouragement of the Apostle Paul to the brethren, affirming their election by God.

To live out God’s word means to embrace the responsibility and privilege of being chosen, recognizing the significance of their relationship with God.

It involves adhering to the teachings and instructions found in the Bible, allowing those truths to shape their thoughts, words, and actions.

By obediently living out God’s word, believers honor their divine election and bring glory to God.

26.) Psalms 29:4

Psalms 29:4

The voice of the LORD is powerful; the voice of the LORD is full of majesty.

Living out God’s Word means aligning your actions and decisions with the principles and teachings found in the Bible In the Bible verse, we see that the voice of the LORD is described as powerful and full of majesty.

When we live out God’s Word, we consistently listen to and follow His voice, which is powerful and full of authority.

Just as the voice of the LORD carries weight and importance, our commitment to living out His Word demonstrates our reverence and obedience to Him.

It is through living out God’s Word that we experience the transformative power of His truth and bring honor to His name.

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